Meet Wilfred.[update#3]

Illustration for article titled Meet Wilfred.[update#3]

Two of our biggest Blue-faced ewes gave birth almost simultaniously. One is a smart, older ewe and other is an energetic younger ewe. As far as we can tell they both had triplets, but older ewe decided she only really wanted twins. Younger ewe was trying to round up four, which is hard work... Based on size and looks we tried to pawn one back off the older ewe, to which she replied “no thank you, I would like to only raise two” but less politely and with more sheep-like behavior including head butting. We tried to take him back to the younger ewe, but by then she had figured out that those three smelled like her and the fourth one wasn’t really hers.

Illustration for article titled Meet Wilfred.[update#3]

So now we have him. He’s very active and bright, we can’t find a reason other than chosing to only raise two why old 209 would have rejected him, while keeping his two sisters... Well, we’ve named him Wilfred and he now gets the full bottle lamb treatment. Sadly this will greatly devalue him as potential breeding stock :/ He’ll probably end up without a job, and that means in the freezer.


[update below]

Oh man... This one... He’s gonna be trouble.

I’m on overnight lamb duty, so I’m sleeping on the futon downstairs. Not only did this little hooligan escape his containment box, he managed to climb up onto the couch to sleep next to me.

Illustration for article titled Meet Wilfred.[update#3]

It’s adorable as fuck, but also, if he’s like this at less than 12 hours old... Oh boy.


[update #2]

One of our most motherly, milky ewes just had twins, so we’re attempting to foster little Wilfred on her. Summer is a bit of a helicopter mom, and always has tons of milk, she seems to have accepted him with the goo-rubbing/temporary hog-tie trick... Now we just have to hope he decides having a sheep mom is better than having a people mom... *fingers crossed*



After further consideration Summer decided she does NOT want Wilfred after all :p


He’s back with us, and quite pleased with that fact.

Illustration for article titled Meet Wilfred.[update#3]