So. Sick. Of. Lambs.

We just booted our most recent house lamb out to the barn a day early. Mrs. BoostAddict and I are so sleep deprived and sick of cleaning their piss and shit up.

Wilfred still says hi to us in the barn too.
Wilfred still says hi to us in the barn too.

Wilfred is doing well out in the barn, for those following his progress, in fact he’s still super sweet and cuddly, and still raising hell.

But Handsome Jack aka: Shitstain McAssstink? Good riddance. After washing him the third time in one day due to his superpower of completely covering himself in his own feces faster than a human can get up from a chair and walk five feet to interrupt... Yeah his time inside is done. He really earned it after managing to shit directly in front of the cat in a way that she managed to also step in his shit three out of four feet. Having to wash the cat too? That’s a bridge too far, sir.


I suppose this is further proof we were never gonna have kids (which we never planed to do and now have medical reasons we can’t)... If a ~four weeks of dealing with newborns has us this strung out, we would never survive a human baby.

Its a good thing they can be super cute...
Its a good thing they can be super cute...

The diverticulitis has really made this past week interminable... But I feel better now than I did at the start of the week, the antibiotics and physical (if not mental) rest have been helping.