What's Oppo drinking tonight?

We have two lambs suffering from coccidiosis at the moment... It’s a protozoan infection, like giardia... Lots of poop. Plus special meds, electrolytes, and more frequent feedings. Last night we had the sicker one (who was also stepped on by an adult and has at least a broken rib, and injured hind leg) in the house all night... We were constantly woken by a dismayed little baaa, followed by the sound and smell of explosive diarrhea emanating from the giant rubbermaid tote she was confined too. Tonight both are spending the night in the barn again. I am celebrating.

Tastes like fresh hops flavored candy...
Tastes like fresh hops flavored candy...
Hits like a sledgehammer to the temple.
Hits like a sledgehammer to the temple.