Cheap chinese VW/Audi screwdrivers

VW products (at least Volkswagen and Audi) usually have a screwdriver on the spare tire well that have a detachable blade that has one flat side and one Phillips side.

I previously had one in my Golf 4 and now have the same in my A3 and have been using it for years, its pretty durable and the heads are the “best” size to have a one-fit-for-all on those cars.


Unfortunately, my A4 only did have the handle of the screwdriver and not the blade so i found a similar model on Aliexpress at 6€ for a pair of two (it’s also possible to take 5 for ~12€).

This model is a 8z0012287 (8Z being the code for the Audi A2) but other product code for almost the same product exists. 


It arrived in France in only 12 days and i am quite satisfied with the quality, not sure that they are original but they seems to be, those being in FAW-Volkswagen branded bags and China made might not be the same version sold in other markets (some are marked as being made in Germany) but its still good enough for a 3€ including postage screwdriver.

While it feels that the blade has more play on the handle than on my more than 20 year old part from my A3 it’s nothing excessive.


Itried to bend the blade with my bare hands and its not budging and also tried forcing on the plastic and its also not moving at all.

Illustration for article titled Cheap chinese VW/Audi screwdrivers
Photo: Me

Greatly recommended if you don’t have a “resident” screwdriver in your car