Dog attack 2.0

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Some of you may remember a few weeks back I mentioned that the neighbors dog attacked me, completely unprovoked. At the time my wife and I were walking down our driveway to fetch the mail and noticed our new neighbor Sarah was there, uncommon as the place is normally empty. We wandered over and had drinks and whatnot with her and her friend. She recently adopted a rescue dog, a Lab mix weighing 40lbs. The dog was very skittish and nervous, I avoided eye contact and did nothing to make the dog feel threatened. After an hour or so we started to head home and the dog jumped off the porch and charged us, biting me in the calf. It’s also worth noting that earlier in the day the dog came running down my driveway barking and snarling, fortunately it left and went home on its own.


The next day we found out that the dog was up to date on her shots, Sarah bought us some pastries and offered to pay any medical bills. I have great insurance and declined her offer, and went to the hospital where I got a tetanus shot and antibiotics. A week of changing bandages and dealing with the side effects of the meds, the shits. Sarah committed to keeping the dog on a leash (it’s the law here anyway) and texting us whenever she was going to be dropping by the house with her dog. We reported the attack with the county animal control people.

Yesterday I was working from home and noticed two dogs running around our property, these dogs belong to Sarah’s mom (we’ll call her Karen). After dinner my wife Tammy walked over to the Karen’s to ask her to keep her dogs leashed. The four dogs came after Tammy and scared the shit out of my wife. Knowing that Karen has four rescues and she committed to keeping them contained, an hour later we decided it was safe to take a walk and fetch the mail. It’s a 1/4 mile walk, we got the mail and were close to home when two of Karen’s dogs charged us. They barked and snarled at us while we stood still and did nothing, Karen dragged the dogs away. I took the opportunity to point out to Karen if any dogs are on my property I will assume they mean to do us harm, and I will shoot them. She lost her shit, screaming at me.


Today we will report the incident with animal control (again), report it to the sheriff (I want it logged in the event I kills the dogs), and talk to Tammy’s cousin Mike (a lawyer) with intent to sue. I love dogs but I have a right to be safe on my own property. Oppo, don’t let your pets hurt others.