Oppo, my uncle is possibly car shopping! So let's us find him a car

My uncle, a notoriously cheap man despite making north of $250k a year, is possible car shopping for a new daily.

The current situation:

He has a Toyota Highlander Hybrid that has 89,000 on it.

He drives to Cleveland, Ohio once a month from PA (it’s a 2 hour drive)

He works from home for 99% of the month

My uncle blurted this out a few days ago that he was looking at the new Z4 (the actual Z4, not Supra) and his wife then said “just buy a Porsche.” As far as I know there are no requirements except it just to be a car that is comfortable, has all the modern luxuries needed, and can seat at least 2 tall adults (6'1" and 5' 9" respectively). I told him to just buy a S Class to crush the highway miles in and crush the serfs as well. 
