Oppopinions requested (and much appreciated)

So as I’ve opined in several recent posts I’m bored and worn out at my job and looking for a major change. It’s still not a sure thing but I have had several phone interviews with one place in particular and they went well. Well enough that I have an on-site interview in the Bay area next week!!!!

I am getting damned excited about this!!!!
I am getting damned excited about this!!!!

So to the question - I’ll be in the area Monday mid-day through Wednesday mid-day and busy all Tuesday afternoon. I was contemplating renting a scooter while I was out there for exploring the area. I’ve been to SF proper several times but never really done any wandering around the bay area. I have no problems with public transit and walking but I want to look at some areas to possibly live and not sure if transit is the best way to do that. I also don’t want to end up spending a ton on uber if I can avoid it for the couple days.

So better to rent a scooter or transit/uber while there for a couple days? I’m leaning towards the latter for practicality sake, but my wife suggested the former and it sure would be fun.

Night shot of the same bridge as above - I do love the area!
Night shot of the same bridge as above - I do love the area!