Winter is definitely here

In the last 24 hours nearly 8 inches of fluffy white stuff has fallen at my house south of St Louis. We’re supposed to get a couple more overnight too.

Illustration for article titled Winter is definitely here

I had to run a quick supply run to a grocery store about a mile from the house for dinner. It ended up being closed but the wife’s RAV4 Hybrid did awesome on the roads that were way overdue for a plow and treat with thoroughly meh tires on it. That smart AWD with the electric motors at the rear and the regen braking at all four wheels when the gas is let off made this thing far better in the snow than anything else I’ve owned.

Illustration for article titled Winter is definitely here

Today is the first day of my end of year vacation (don’t go back to work until the 31st) and I hoped to get a lot done on my fleet but the weather doesn’t agree with my plans...