A Journey Through They Might Be Giants

So like I imagine a lot of Oppo I’m a They Might Be Giants fan, it was mostly their pre-00 stuff as they fell off my radar. I found myself recently wandering around their newer stuff on Youtube and there are some gems and some that are just genuinely strange. Here are a few I wanted to share.

I just love this one! It also reminds me how far we’ve come in the consumption of music in a very short time. This was 2013 and she’s using an iPod. Outside myself I haven’t seen someone using one in a long time.

This one has Nick Offerman and a Nick Offerman Voodoo Doll

I quite liked the futility of this one, to defeat death in a ping ping match only to be sent back to fight him again immediately.

This one is just fun since it involves large scale cardboard art

This is an older song and not that interesting a video but I love the song so much.

There’s a lot more on their channel - take a lap through there and find some strangeness and enjoy it!
