I made it!

After a 2200 mile drive I made it to San Jose early afternoon Sunday.

Image: Me motherfucka!

I didn’t make many interesting stops that were more than a few minutes long as I had a long way to go. Above is an entrance to medicine bow national forest in Wyoming, it’s very pretty up here.

Here’s the salt flats rest stop in Utah. It was covered in people so I didn’t stay long.

Illustration for article titled I made it!
Image: Me motherfucka!

People were driving right onto it, I was tempted but my car was loaded way down and drug the bike carrier when going over anything more than a couple inch dip.


Now I’m in a long term hotel until I find a place to rent. Then the missus will come join me.

I’m still exhausted from the drive, but also excited as hell to get settled in here.