My dealership experience basically went like that one Treehouse of Horrors

“So we changed your oil and just did a quick inspection.”

“That’s good.”

“Your tires need to be replaced soon.”

“That’s bad.”

“But we put on your winter tires at no cost since we put it down as a tire rotation.”


“That’s good.”

“Your winter tires might only have one more winter out of them.”

“That’s bad.”

“But everything else on your car is good!”

“That’s good.”

“Except your front axle seals. Both of them are leaking.”

“That’s bad.”

“But we’ll cover them under warranty, since it’s within 5 years and 100k kilometres.”


“That’s good.”

“You have 1100 kilometres to get it done, though.”

“That’s bad.”

“That’ll be $84.”


“That’s good.”
