Tire update.

Went to the shop, they saw the bad tire (like I was saying) they told me the hole was too close to the sidewall to patch. In so in a twist they priced out a full set of Indy 500s, & the tires I currently have (Toyo Extenza HP’s, just 2 of them). Toyo recently updated that tire (now the Extenza HP2). Their supplier has 2 of the old compound left & they where $95/tire (yay for discontinued tire).

Some epoxy floor touchups where done in the garage hence the caution tape.
Some epoxy floor touchups where done in the garage hence the caution tape.

Since they won’t show up until Wensday, & I don’t like driving on the spare doughnut I grabbed one winter tire from the shed to put on. The Indy 500s balanced, mounted, & tax would be $805. The 2 Toyos would be $240 all in. Right now I don’t have $800, but do have enough for the latter of the 2 options. It’s not how I planned on it going, but my wallet is going to be more happy.

It may not look great, but it works.
It may not look great, but it works.