Update on Me

Hello everyone,

So my anxiety and depression is really really bad right now and after meeting online with my therapist today we decided I can’t be working right now. I need to put my safety and mental health first and then use what I have left on class and finishing the semester. I’ll get paid for this week and then get two weeks paid time off from the university and then I’m not sure about unemployment yet. They are letting me not quit and are open to me returning at some point but don’t know if I need to be fired or laid off to be able to do unemployment.


I’m not sure how to progress from here but think it’s the right call to keep me safe and okay and out of the hospital for my mental health. I’ve been having a lot of panic attacks this week and am really struggling to cope with managing everything. I’m hoping this all will work out. I’m trying not to be hard on myself for doing what what my doctor, therapist and I all think is right for my safety and wellbeing. I just wanted to let someone know what was going on.

I hope everyone is doing okay and staying safe out there.

Illustration for article titled Update on Me