Health Update

I ended up talking to another doctor through a web conference and got tested for COVID19. I tested negative but this could also be because it took so long to get tested. The good news now is that I’m feeling mostly like I was before getting sick.

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My breathing isn’t as good As before but I’ve been struggling with that and allergies since the fall.

I finished my semester and start the summer semester on Monday. I’m hoping to finish -free the fall semester and should as long as everything goes to plan. There is one huge problem though for the fall semester. I’m out of financial aid after the summer. So as of now I won’t be able to afford my last three classes in the fall. I worked on a lot of scholarship applications earlier this year like I always do. I’m also continuing to work on some. The head of the non traditional student organization I’m a part of on campus is Going to be helping me apply for something the campus has called the get to graduation scholarship which is supposed to help students who have run out of aid. I have a draft of my application that I’m working on with the head of the org. But the university is also losing a lot of money right now. I’m hoping being at a satellite campus of University of Michigan (I go to UM-Dearborn). Means that aid will still exist but I’m anxious and depressed that at this time I won’t be able to graduate. Which would make all of this worthless and have piled on so much debt for nothing.


The good news though is that I’m recovering and starting to feel better. I’m working with my therapist and trying to take this one day at a time.