Fussball ist unser Leben

I’m a little pissed off right now. Had an end-of-school year BBQ planned with my class, parents, siblings and so on for tomorrow. They have been together through elementary school and classes 5 and 6. Next year, some will go to a different school, so it would have been a nice farewell party. Plus we have a ton of money from bake sales and such to burn. Unfortunately, tommorow are GER - SKR and SWE - MEX which will decide whether Germany gets into the finals phase. So lots of families never replied to the invitation, others slowly backed out, and now we cancelled it. Just got confirmation that the venue we booked let’s us off the hook without fees. Football is apparently more important than celebrating the end of your kid’s school year.


Feel free to post jokes about how the Germans take football, among other things, too seriously.