She's back!

Service has finally been completed. They got the FRM in yesterday and called me to pick it up this morning. Now for what it cost me... I don’t really know how to say this other than I am hurting for a grand total of... ZIP! NADA! ZERO! The part was under warranty from BMW for 10 years so I luckily didn’t have to pay a cent. Really glad my hunch was 100% correct so they didn’t have to go digging around for something else. Not gonna lie though, I am gutted as I think it still is time to move on. Other cars are aawaiting in my future but I certainly will not forget this one. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, you know you made the right choice when your car brings a smile to your face and a tear in your eye everytime you see it or have to leave it.

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