Reminder: keep shit with you

I was given some grief for all of the stuff I keep with me in the Jeep during the winter. Here’s what I used this evening to help out a guy who was stranded, at dusk, with no electrical.

  • Tow strap
  • Safety coat (because dusk, and people are careless, and it’s nice to have something on when you’re flat on your back on the street)
  • Emergency flasher (magnetic, slapped it on the back of his crossover)
  • Flashlight (to pull tow strap out from where it was gently wrapped around his axle after)
  • Jumpstarter (didn’t help, battery was toast)

Feels good to help someone out. Pure dumb luck I happened by at the right time.

Illustration for article titled Reminder: keep shit with you
Photo: Harbor Freight

Even if you’re not going to tow someone in a jam, at least keep a good coat and an emergency flasher with you.

$4 at Harbor Freight.

(Also, please buy vehicles with recovery points. His Hyundai has two on the front alone. Such a luxury compared to some of the vehicles I’ve tried to rescue.)


Update: here’s the post from a couple of months ago when I asked what people keep for the winter.