We have a winner

Because I’m lazy and don’t really have the option to tackle a project right now, when I browse Craigslist my eyes are always drawn to the already-restored beauties for sale, not the junkers in need of too much TLC than I have to offer.

I’m fairly confident this is the priciest car I’ve ever seen on CL in my area.

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I have nothing useful to say about it other than I would, of course, love to own it.


Other too-rich-for-my-blood attractive options tonight include a pickup much more expensive than the $800 truck that apparently and unsurprisingly sold between last night and today.

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A Ford Galaxie that costs twice as much as I’ve ever spent on a vehicle.

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And a woody wagon that costs over twice what the Ford is asking.

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And as a bonus, a wagon that never was, but could be yours for only $30k.

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(I sent that last one to Rob @ FP for consideration for NPoCP, but given that my track record is a perfect 0-fer, I don’t imagine it’ll show up.)