My 2nd-favorite topic

I had an odd experience a few minutes ago, so it’s time to return to everyone else’s least-favorite topic: busted tail lights.

First, the anecdote: I was walking to my rental car in a parking lot when I noticed someone backing out with a reverse light out. I jogged over to let her know, and on the way back I spotted a truck doing the same.


While waiting for him to finish backing into his spot I saw another car with a reverse light out a few feet away.

So, literally 2 minutes to spot and alert three drivers to missing reverse lights.


(And I spotted and notified someone of a bad brake light out as I write this in the parking lot.)

The other point to this mostly pointless post: a few days ago I finally captured something on video I’ve been asking about here and the FP and have never gotten a definitive answer to.


Previous posts:


So, with the video above illustrating my question, any ideas? The best I’ve heard is that the bulbs in some vehicles are easy to insert backwards but I’d expect the lights to switch roles instead of the brake light being on all the time.