Some tunes

I have started preparing for one possible way this whole mess will end, at least for me, and I thought I’d share the playlist I’d like to be played at the one shindig where I’m guaranteed to be unable to enjoy it.

Wish I knew where this coat vanished to. My late aunt gave it to me 30 years ago; it was a freebie she earned by smoking way too many packs of Camels, and for several years I was embarrassed to wear it because I didn’t want people to think I smoked. I finally realized that the logo was fairly well hidden, but most importantly, NOBODY CARES.
Wish I knew where this coat vanished to. My late aunt gave it to me 30 years ago; it was a freebie she earned by smoking way too many packs of Camels, and for several years I was embarrassed to wear it because I didn’t want people to think I smoked. I finally realized that the logo was fairly well hidden, but most importantly, NOBODY CARES.

It’s not quite ideal because some of the tunes I want aren’t on YouTube, at least not the rendition I want, but because we live in a dark timeline where that’s about the best I can do, well, that’s the best I can do.