
I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a screed on the under-appreciated fact that cars look better two-toned.

I just realized that when I wrote my Peak Box post last year I almost always went with a two-tone vehicle for illustration; I don’t think that’s just a coincidence. Even the Flex I chose to lead off the piece as a non-SUV box is two-tone.


Anyway, I don’t have such a post yet, but I’m thinking maybe I could just dribble it out in small chunks, since some of my favorite long-form pieces never got many hits, so this is much easier. And I’m very lazy.

So tonight’s edition is a project Volvo I stumbled upon that I adore, but is way out of my price range and skill level. And it’s not actually two-tone.


I just want you to imagine in your mind’s eye that it has a white roof and white seats, and picture just how much cooler that would look. (And if someone with Photoshop skills wants to prove it, please feel free.)

Illustration for article titled Two-tone

And if anyone local wants to buy it and get it running, I’d be happy to take it for a spin. Once, y’know, the world stops falling apart.