How much stalking is too much stalking?

And no, I’m not talking about the auto manufacturers trying to scare voters out of retaining control over their cars.

I have a problem. I finally have money to buy a manual XJ. There are not one but two manual I6 4wd XJs for sale near me, both in rough condition but both appear good enough, especially the more expensive one. I want it. I want it badly.


The very rough one:


The less-rough one:


I can’t get the sellers to contact me.

Craigslist: the seller only has an email, hidden from the world, and I’ve sent it requests from two different email addresses, starting Saturday evening. No reply to either address.


Facebook is tough: my account there has been deactivated for about 20 months now, and I really don’t want to reactivate it.

So I asked a family member to send a message with my cell phone number Monday morning. No response. I probably need to have someone else send it with “and he has money and is prepared to come buy it yesterday”.


So my question: should I keep hammering either seller? What’s the etiquette here?

Photo of a 3rd local manual XJ for your time. This one’s on FB so I haven’t pursued it yet.

Illustration for article titled How much stalking is too much stalking?
Photo: FB Marketplace

If anyone cares to send the Facebook seller another message with a more urgent tone, please feel free to drop me an email at and I’ll send you my cell number.