Screw you, FIA! I'm streaming your official Le Mans coverage in the U.S. whether you want me to or not.

Illustration for article titled Screw you, FIA! Im streaming your official Le Mans coverage in the U.S. whether you want me to or not.

Gotta love VPNs.

I’ve happily paid for the official WEC streaming season package since 2015. I attended the 6 Hours of COTA last year. And now the FIA has sold off the exclusive US & CA streaming rights to a CABLE TELEVISION CHANNEL. Who watches cable TV anymore? And how is endurance racing suited for good traditional television programming?


Needless to say, I’m not pleased with the FIA. But I’ve still given them 9.99 of my hard-earned American Euros to get my Le Mans fix. A friend of mine uses a VPN for all of his internet traffic (I swear he’s not a criminal) so he gave me his login credentials to use for the race. I just need to go snack shopping and I’ll be ready for the race!