They Work

These were clean before today, I swear
These were clean before today, I swear
Photo: MM54

I opted to get the upgraded Brembos on the Abarth because performance options are the ones to check the box for.


This evening I was out driving (because 75-80 degrees + sunset + top down = ideal) on some of the best-we’ve-got-which-isn’t-much local roads, which are gentle curves and some rolling hills, but at least pretty empty.

In an unfamiliar area I crested a hill at the posted 45mph limit and noticed a stop sign unrealistically close. I figured if I at least tried to stop it would be more convincing to any happen-to-be-nearby cops that there really should be a “stop sign ahead” sign before that last hill.


I am not used to modern brakes.

I came to a complete stop no more than two feet past the stop sign, well clear of the empty cross road. I had no business coming to such an abrupt stop but the car had no issue doing so.


The Brembos were a good option to check.