everyone has their vices

i just got back from 2 days in vegas for work in one of the fancy hotels on the strip. while there wasnt quite as much madness there as usual, there are definitely people out and about in vegas trying to satisfy their urges. for some people, its gambling, others its ladies (or guys), and others its drinking or drugs, some people are addicted to looking like they’re rich - and on and on.

the only time i left the room (other than to work and to eat at the place that has the best thai food that i’ve ever eaten) was to go to speedvegas and pull a few laps. i’d previously been to dream racing in the same car and while the tracks are different, all of the vegas racing places seem to have nice facilities, good in car coaches, etc.


because i know that i’m no hero and that racing is a skill best developed with something closer to the limits of your ability, i took out the cayman gts and not a gt500, gallardo, 911 gt3 or any of the other fancypants cars they had available. that car is here:

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Photo: me

i managed to turn a lap in 1:14.53 which im told is a pretty decent laptime there, also managed to throw the cayman into a slight *but very real* drift in a different lap, which the instructor promptly corrected from the passenger side (damn you, mid engine chassis dynamics and my feet being too abrupt on/off pedal at speed). a pair of other laps were great until mixing up the upshift and the downshift floppy paddles (damn you, me driving a stick and being utterly not used to using said paddles).

in any case, that was the quickest $250 i could possibly imagine spending and i wouldnt imagine it any other way.


10/10 would do again.