PT Cruiser Convertible Trunks

Since everyone else is reposting their old stuff, here’s my first ever Oppo post, three years ago today. Enjoy. Funny how I now own a car quite similar to this one, in terms of doors, seats, engine style and orientation, rollover protection design, and trunk...

Original post, 13 October 2017:

Whatup. I’m sure that like many of you, I’ve been walking or driving somewhere and seen one of these abominations.

Illustration for article titled PT Cruiser Convertible Trunks
Image: Stolen from google three years ago

Looks like one of those dumb clog/sandle thingies that the weird kid would always wear in middle school, right?


Then we see the rear.

Image: Stolen from google three years ago

Ooh baby. Look at that trunk. How do you fit anything in there? How do you even open it? Does it open like a hatch that’s too low to the ground to get anything into it? Does it open like a tailgate? If so, why are there disappointingly few PT Ute converstions? (PT Uters?)

Turns out...

Image: Stolen from google three years ago

Turns out it’s not such a granny car after all, what with needing to bend over ridiculously to get anything inside.

Now you know.