Yellow River Dragway

The 2nd of March next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the worst auto racing crash ever on US soil. However, you probably either haven’t heard of it, or you’ve only ever seen it here in one of my previous posts on the subject.

Illustration for article titled Yellow River Dragway

Huston Platt was driving his 69 Camaro, the Dixie Twister, along the race track that is now a mobile home park in Covington, GA. A fan stepped onto the track to retrieve a beer can just as the car’s parachute deployed, catching him like a net and throwing the car off balance. It careened into the crowd, killing 11 other spectators in addition to the beer can man.

Stay tuned next year, because I’m planning on doing a full article (hopefully to be adapted to the front page) in remembrance of the victims. As of now, so little is written about the accident and the track that I’m not even sure what the victims’ names were.