Borsuq is asleep, I must take up the FIAT 126p flag! here is a history of the 126p’s design changes (...that I may or may not have posted here before, but can’t remember) in the form of pixel art! :D

Illustration for article titled Borsuq is asleep, I must take up the FIAT 126p flag!

And here is a picture of the factory tool kit that came with every FIAT 126!

Illustration for article titled Borsuq is asleep, I must take up the FIAT 126p flag!

And here is a picture showing the mechanicals of an early 126p ST model! The gas tanks were mounted to one side of the car as the interior heat piping from the air-cooled engine occupied the same space on the opposite side! Fuel capacity? 20.5L or about 5.5 US gallons - as much as a larger sized jerry can!

Illustration for article titled Borsuq is asleep, I must take up the FIAT 126p flag!

Did you know that the 126p could be ordered with swanky aftermarket interior? These are very sought after today and rare - made by a company called Inter Groclin - and were a slick design with a one-piece backrest with integrated headrest, unlike the 126's usual seats with removable headrests! Inter Groclin also had interior options on the FSO Polonez Caro as well!

Illustration for article titled Borsuq is asleep, I must take up the FIAT 126p flag!

This has been a special 126p bulletin.