Doggo update!

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Yes, of course we ended up adopting Rascal. We didn’t really have much of a choice. He’s been pretty perfect for the first week we’ve had him. I’ve been transformed into a crazy dog dad.


He’s being crate trained now. The foster home he was in had a big yard and lots of other dogs. Now that he’s a city boi, he’s got some adjusting to do but he’s handled it like a champ so far. He’s a total Velcro dog and will follow you around everywhere. He doesn’t bark and he’s really good with strangers. Total A+ certified good boy.

He’s a Basenji and we got him from a rescue organization for the breed.

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Illustration for article titled Doggo update!

Here he is learning about the LS in my parents boat.

Illustration for article titled Doggo update!
Illustration for article titled Doggo update!

He’s so fresh.