Rooftop Tent or Mattress Wrapped in Tarp?

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Moved into our new place on Friday. My wife and I did the whole move ourselves. The logistics of hiring movers in a pandemic was too complicated, and we have plenty of free time anyway.


The Rover handled two heavy trailer loads without breaking a sweat. Granted we only moved two miles away and didn’t go above 25 mph. I would estimate the first load was close to 5,000 lbs. The trailer alone is 2,000.

She sqatin’
She sqatin’

The second load was just furniture and the mattress up top. We saved $$$ by doing it ourselves but I’m still incredibly sore I’m also embarrassed at the sheer volume of things that we own at a fairly young age. I’ve always said I don’t want to be pack rats like my parents are. I think it’s beyond control at this point.