In Defense of Kinja, Some of the Comments..

... remain hilarious. More hilarious than the actual posts.

Over on Jezebel this AM, this topic has cropped up— more weirdness with Elon and Amber Heard, in the Legal Proceedings That Refuse To Go Away.

Illustration for article titled In Defense of Kinja, Some of the Comments..

Well, first, the pedant in me wants to scream “Everybody knows Three-Way is hyphenated!!!!!”. But, setting that aside for a moment, there’s all sorts of dishing from the actual depositions— which must be true because nobody ever lied in a deposition.


However, in true Jalop form, our own Brian Griffin impostor weighs in— only to be COTD’d by “6thtimearound” in spectacular form...

Illustration for article titled In Defense of Kinja, Some of the Comments..

And, for your trouble, a pic of the absolute expression of your wildest Inner Elon...

Illustration for article titled In Defense of Kinja, Some of the Comments..