What are Oppo's thoughts on toy guns?

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My oldest (who wants to be a cop when she grows up) asked for an old school diecast revolver cap gun for Christmas. It was exactly like the kind I had several of when I was a kid. My wife was absolutely unwilling to let her have that.


Undeterred, my daughter then asked if I could make her a wooden toy gun. I try to make something for my girls each year, so I said yes. It was a pretty quick and easy project fore, and I think they look unrealistic enough that my wife won’t be upset.

I know some people have strong feelings about toy guns. I really don’t. I had many as a kid, and I loved playing with them. I’ve never owned a real gun, although I’ve been licensed to own fire arms in my state for many years.


What say Oppo about kids and toy guns?

Oh, hey, leave the politics out of it. We don't need another shit-show this week!