I made a thing

I started remodeling my kitchen roughly a year and a half ago. While it’s 85% done and 95% usable, I have not made significant progress in over a year.

To be fair to myself, some of that is not my fault. Most of the drawer fronts have been cut and ready to be sealed for over a year. My wife, knowing that I hate painting and wood finishing with a passion, and not trusting me to do a good job of that, has assigned herself to be the one to complete that step. She has in the interim year put some sealer on precisely three drawer fronts. None of them are installed. That particular delay is not on me.


The doors though. Well, I have had the parts for them cut to size for over a year as well. Today I finally milled the tongues and grooves on the first one, and glued it up. Technically this is a drawer front too, for the large pot/pot lid drawer, but it’s built the same way as the doors will be. Close enough. I’m calling it door number one.

Illustration for article titled I made a thing

Only 20 more to go now.

Well, 26 if I’m going to build the doors for the custom vanity and medicine cabinets in our master bathroom, which I started before our seven year old child was born.


Man time flies.