
The local vintage car club name creates that acronym.

Dodge coupe, HD (?) Holden sedan, Morris convertible...and a bunch of other middle aged stuff.
Dodge coupe, HD (?) Holden sedan, Morris convertible...and a bunch of other middle aged stuff.
Photo: The Author

They put on a bit of a display today at a community event...so here’s a few photos I could catch.

Bentley and an FC (?) Holden
Bentley and an FC (?) Holden
Photo: I took this photo...
GTV6...and a WB
GTV6...and a WB
Photo: Mine
Packard...not the only US iron but a 60s Mustang and big 70s Pontiac are ubiquitous
Packard...not the only US iron but a 60s Mustang and big 70s Pontiac are ubiquitous
Photo: Mine too
Illustration for article titled C.A.R.S.

Oh and there were baby emus in a fish tank too!!