Tipping the Rust: Part 2

Another day filled with welding and grinding.

Photo: The Welder

Found that my multimode welder really didn’t like to weld the plate in the MIG mode so I found myself using good old stick.

Still got it...
Still got it...
Photo: The Welder

Turned out far better than I expected, to be honest. At least I can still weld better than I can knit...

Covered in Cold Gal, waiting for etch primer and some paint...which will, of course, get rubbed off. But not in the imperfections that will still catch crud...
Covered in Cold Gal, waiting for etch primer and some paint...which will, of course, get rubbed off. But not in the imperfections that will still catch crud...
Photo: The Painter

Some rust protection is all that's needed now and this job can be crossed off the Very Long List Of Shit To Do.