Pre Ordered an Oculus Quest 2

Was a little on the fence about it, $300 for a toy, but I’m really excited. I mainly want to use it for Gravity Sketch, a VR 3d modeling app, and with Unreal Studio/ SketchFab to do mock ups of furniture designs in VR. I’m having it shipped directly to the office so I can show it off to the boss (and so I can be sure I receive my expensive purchase). I have played with my friend’s original Rift before (he’s a really cool 3d artist that does a lot of work in VR check out his stuff here: )

Illustration for article titled Pre Ordered an Oculus Quest 2
Photo: The Zuckster

Anyone else on Oppo use an Oculus or other VR? I’m excited about playing some games too, but I really view this as a creative tool before anything else. Been wanting to get into VR for a while now, and was actually talking to my friend about it yesterday morning before the Quest 2 was officially announced. Was thinking about getting a Rift S but then this new one comes out $100 cheaper and for my purposes pretty much the same unit but better in a few ways.

Last time I preordered something was in 2011 when I preordered a Nintendo 3ds. Knowing how the Quest 1 frequently was out of stock even a year after it’s release I thought I’d treat myself with this. 
