Grocery Stores, an Insider's Perspective.

A little backround, as mentioned elsewhere I’m a grocery clerk (order product, stock shelves) working at a midsize store with roughly 80 employees in the North of Cali.

Photo from a few days ago, things are going to be worse moving forward.
Photo from a few days ago, things are going to be worse moving forward.

Things arnt looking great, today our primary supplier essentially didnt ship out the load, of 10 pallets we received 2. Naturally the supplier is incredibly overloaded and dosent have enough trucks to haul the weight that stores are ordering. Judging by photos of Portland and other grocery stores it’s likely that our product will continue to not show up.

As a result we are being asked to only order roughly 600 items for the store per day. For perspectitive our ideal order would put us over 2000 items. Things like Gallon jugs of water are selling out from pretty much all suppliers.


With this amazing news we had to have a legitimate talk about what products to order that will keep people alive. For example, water is selling out so we are going to stockpile off brand while we still can. Same story with canned goods and sale items.

Came into work this morning to see we have altered hours and sick leave policy among other things. Every day brings a new memo with policy changes.


The quarterly inventory has been canceled aswell

Illustration for article titled Grocery Stores, an Insiders Perspective.

This food crisis may all be in our heads but we are rapidly turning it into a reality. The supply chain cannot keep up.