Nearly Ready!

Spent the last week, “learning” through the process of painting. Lots of sanding, waiting, and repainting. Its turning out okay, not perfect but as good as I can do right now.

Installed cart guards and side markers today, along with struggling on gluing in the hatch weather strip.(that glue is the absolute worst)
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The wetsanding process left minor scratches that I can’t buff out for the life of me, and there are couple dings I missed in the body work phase. Still it looks great and a competent detailer could bring the shine out 100%, overall happy with it and the owner is too.

Suns in just the right area to show the minor dents
Suns in just the right area to show the minor dents
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The fender has been sanded and buffed, the door had not at this point.
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Repainted the front and rear end trim graphite to great effect

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The carpet also got spray painted, its not an elegant solution but it’ll bring them back enough considering their condition.(all the seams are torn/ rotted from being soaked in water and 45 years old)

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Painting the hood and trunk turned into a problem, first there wasn’t enough hardener for the remaining paint so that got picked up, then there wasn’t quite the paint to get enough layers down....and what layers they got dripped something fierce. Then labor day had everything closed for a long weekend, so finally picked up another quart today and will be able to get the hood and trunk finished tomorrow.

(Kinja is really borked on mobile right now)