Who Needs a Truck?

I finally came to my senses and decided I didn’t really need and SUV or truck. As much as I did want one, they are not practical for my situation. So, I did the next best thing.

11 ft board on a 13 ft car. What could go wrong?
11 ft board on a 13 ft car. What could go wrong?

I got roof bars for the Beetle. I’ve wanted these for some time and I’m super glad I finally pulled the trigger. I bought them lightly used on Craigslist. I set up the bars based on some directions I found online and they seem to work perfectly. I was going to get a specialized SUP carrier but I just threw some foam down and used straps. That kept the board very secure for the 1.5 mile drive to my launch point. So, I’ll probably just keep doing that for the foreseeable future. I want to get a bike rack for one side so I can start riding trails again. There are so many good spots to go just a short distance away.

It was interesting driving with a huge pine sun-visor
It was interesting driving with a huge pine sun-visor

I previously used a garden cart that I modified with a tow bar. The bar then coupled to my bike with a receiver I made. It worked really well but was a PITA to ride down with the board in tow. This is much much easier so I can now go before or after work.

Illustration for article titled Who Needs a Truck?

Now that my vehicle is practical, I can start looking at unpractical sports cars again! (somewhat kidding, kind of serious)