I’m 22 and I Bought a Minivan Today

Illustration for article titled I’m 22 and I Bought a Minivan Today

I certainly thought I’d make it farther in life before making the ultimate car-guy sacrifice, but here I am: in my early 20s with no kids or real responsibilities with third row seating and sliding doors, but why?


The answer is simple, albeit a bit long winded. I’m a musician and one of the bands I play guitar for is gearing up for our first tour.

While we’ve previously made it work taking multiple cars on the small weekend runs we’ve done, but now we’re ready to embark on a full two-week run spanning from Detroit to New Orleans, and we need one vehicle to haul us four, our gear, and our luggage.


Enter this 2004 Pontiac Montana. It’s certainly nothin’ fancy, but it’s just large and cheap enough to suit our needs. Seems to run pretty well too, I just hope that trend continues.

So I now join the very exclusive club of 20-something’s who have owned a Merkur XR4Ti, one-fourth of a 1970 Corvette, a Chevy Blazer, a VW GTI, and a Pontiac Montana minivan.


Now, if you need me I’ll be attacking the interior with disinfecting spray.

Illustration for article titled I’m 22 and I Bought a Minivan Today