Check out Amazon's new Rivian EV delivery vans that will soon be cutting you off in traffic as their harried driver contractors try to meet impossibly high delivery quotas

About a year ago, Amazon and Rivian announced that Amazon would be buying 100,000 electric delivery vans from Rivian. Amazon has now unveiled said van, without delving into detailed specs, because, well, it’s a proprietary delivery van and nobody’s going to be bench racing this thing against FedEx and UPS vans. Or...will they? 🤔


In addition to being an EV, the Rivian Amazon van is highly aerodynamic, has fancy LED lighting, multiple screens in the dash, a reinforced driver’s door (to repel attacks from roving boxcutter-wielding package thiefs?), and what Amazon refers to as “‘dancefloor’ inside the driver’s cabin for easy movement inside the van,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.

All I know is, those hand-picked driver contractors delivery service partners in Amazon’s promotional video sure do look excited about this new van. It’s probably because of the embossed Amazon smile logo in the headrest.

Illustration for article titled Check out Amazons new Rivian EV delivery vans that will soon be cutting you off in traffic as their harried driver contractors try to meet impossibly high delivery quotas
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)
Photo: Amazon (Fair Use)