Oppo Slowdown

I’ve reached the end of an era. With our return to the office, leadership is showing their paranoia and have started giving everyone a hard time about “billable” activities and staying “on-task.” Never mind that we were just as productive working from home. We are $2M ahead on net revenue both compared to last year at this time and for our budget this year. What happens when we are successful? They ask us to work even more to make up for losses in other offices.

If I want to avoid too much scrutiny, I have to curtail my old habits. Now when I have a process working, I get to sit and twiddle my thumbs or find “other work” so I can be even more billable. I can’t complain. I’ve been gainfully employed through the pandemic and there’s little risk of it slowing down. Even so, the environment has changed and I’m not happy about it. At least there’s always a chance to see something awesome in the parking garage.

Illustration for article titled Oppo Slowdown
Photo: Mine

I’ll try to catch up on evenings and weekends. Have fun, Oppo!