I call this: "The Transverse fintail Special"

It’s no secret that new construction in the PNW is fintail’s absolute favorite style of modern architecture. But today I give to all of you the typical “stackable” looking home... only UNstacked!

Marvel in it’s Bigly big footprint of bigliness.

Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special
Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special

On the plus side, killer view:

Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special
Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special

On the way more plus side, one chandelier was ready!

Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special
Illustration for article titled I call this: The Transverse fintail Special