Thank you, Oppo.

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After contaminating my clear coat via Holiday cheer, I was thoroughly displeased. But you kept me from going to dark places by 1) downplaying the severity, and 2) proposing simple and effective solutions, with thorough bouts of anecdotes.


Here was the damage — this being AFTER scrubbing it for an hour in the dead of night the other day:

Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.
Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.
Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.
Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.
Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.

Let me tell you, it was far worse than what I could photograph. In broad daylight, I could see from my kitchen window what looked like the remnants of a Smurf being fucked on the hood of my car. Pardon the foul language, but it paints the picture pretty well!

So anyway, I go through one cycle on the kit: nothing. No visible effect whatsoever. A little panic sets in, because that’s what I do. Second cycle: kind of, sort of working? Fuck it, I bought the whole kit and I have nothing left to lose. I down my coffee and go through about another 9 cycles. Here are the results:

Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.

And after a spot of wax:

Illustration for article titled Thank you, Oppo.

98.734% gone! Yay! 😊