Essential Quarantine Exemption™, Day Whatever.

Work: my employer is dyshemising concerns over safe working practices as “fears.” And that if anyone is worried about safely working on jobsites, to “talk to your [supervisor] about your fears.” I think the memo also mentioned that “fears can be scary.” We are all expected to keep working but I suspect more people will start calling out soon...

Outside of work:

Illustration for article titled Essential Quarantine Exemption™, Day Whatever.

My wife and I have been cooking together every night since her work shut down, and she’s been “killing it,” as the youths once said. Tonight we made burgers on the barbeque, with bacon, carmelized onions, and cheddar. Some JoJos on the side, too.

Lots of beers and food. It’s kind of been like camping, but with plumbing. Haven’t seen any friends in 10 days, haven’t hugged my mom in over three weeks. Trying not to read the news, and failing miserably.


Soooooo how goes it for the rest of you?