"Hand soap?" thatsanameivenotheardinalongtime.png

We went to WinCo Sunday night around 8:45. We didn’t know what awaited us but we needed supplies for Taco Night (carne asada this week).

To our shock, there was maybe 20 other people there. The staff looked like they all had been there for 24 hours (and were understandably, but unusually... unpleasant). But the shelves were bountiful. They were out of the usual items though: paper towels, rice, bulk-anything, sanitizer, wipes, ramen, and all forms of handsoap.


Except, farrrrrrr up high on a lonely shelf, pushed against the deodorant wall, was a lonesome looking bottle.....

Illustration for article titled Hand soap? thatsanameivenotheardinalongtime.png

... I SEENT it! And I dun bought it. The last hand soap of any kind in the entire store 🥳 And we were pretty much out too...

There was also toilet paper, but I didn’t buy any. I don’t know if I’ll regret that, but we have a 12-pack I bought last month and it feels like it will last a while longer. I did fuck up because I forgot to buy milk, but that no longer seems to be a hoarded item. And screw whoever cleared out my Maruchan Roast Beef Top Ramen packs. I only wanted two! TWO, DAMMIT. In all seriousness, I have a feeling that ramen will be in high demand for a long while, because people are losing/have lost their livelihoods and need a cheap meal that requires minimal labor.


This all being a stark contrast to my previous WinCo misadventure, where we walked out defeated with only the last bag of jasmine rice and six cans of various beans...

How are you all holding up supply-wise (or accessibility to said suppplies... wise...)?