Let there be light!!!

Illustration for article titled Let there be light!!!
Illustration for article titled Let there be light!!!


Today I replaced two fuses, including one that looked fine but didn’t work when I swapped slots on a whim. Replaced a dash bulb which has never worked anyway. Jiggled all the looms and wires. Found the wiring diagram and was prepared to dive in... And by “prepared” I mean “oh God no.”


Crawled under to touch the wires again before fucking around with the multimeter. When suddenly — SUDDENLY — something happened that’s not occured before... Basically looked like this:


What? WHAT?!? And in the corner of my eye, the bulb that illuminates the climate controls flashed. Next I clamp the wires together and check my gauges. I SEENT them! Because there’s light behind them now!!

Since the dimmer switch is a PITA to get to, may or may not work, the wires are too damn short, and I don’t want to think about it ever again, I did the bipass:

Illustration for article titled Let there be light!!!
Illustration for article titled Let there be light!!!

Remember: I have sex in exchange for cash, I’m not electrician by trade.

Point being YESSSSSSSS I like this truck too much to NOT be happy that I can drive at night again.