Did a thing.

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Plugged a whole, due to my recent security misadventures.

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I used the cheapest wood, but in my defense 1) my wife said we’re going to redo the fence in a couple years anyway so don’t spend the money, 2) my neighbor mentioned the same thing after I finished this project, and 3) Lowe’s was cleaned OUT to Kingdom Come. No nothing.

I basically never work with wood, and the only fence I’ve ever built was vinyl with six other people. So you get what you pay for.

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I had to relearn basic math skills, so that was amusing. The spacing on the top slat is too low, but, again, you get what you pay for. I also used screws because I’m impatient.

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And it there was other stuff I put effort it. My garage is over 1" out of plumb over 5', the existing 4x4 is out of plumb both left to right and front to back, naturally OPPOSITE of what my garage is doing.


So, my post is plumb left to right, but out of plumb front to back to match the existing 4x4. The 2x4 that ties to the existing 4x4 is butted and screwed, so each slat was measured and cut to size, this looking flush against the outside of both 4x4s. I then used a scrap 1-1/4"x6" and filled the gap between the somewhat crooked post and the very crooked garage.

The gap underneath will allow the neighborhood cats to escape my dog.

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All in all, it was very enjoyable to actually "fix" something.