Got my ass kicked -- again 🙃

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Photo: DrZ

T’was a long, open, multi-lane road.

An MK5 GTI and blobeye WRX wagon were dragging their heels behind this semi, to the point of actually being under the speed limit. I utilized a different lane and surpassed them. Shortly after, they followed suit. Looking in my mirror, I could see them messing with each other but still hanging pretty far back. 20 minutes late, formerly out of sight, they both come up hot, then keep pace along side me. Then they start messing with me. Soon after, we approach a long open stretch with no other souls around. The GTI start wagging his badunkadunk behind the WRX. Once we hit the crest, he just stomps it. The WRX responds along with me. There’s no hope, I back off pretty quickly when the GTI pushes deep into the triple digits. The WRX, who I somehow stayed close too, had the same reaction as me, and gives up. But the WRX was nice enough to let off entirely and let me catch up. The GTI halves his speed but doesn’t let us near him again. The WRX paces me the for the next few miles, but I don’t bite again.


I have been raced more times in this car than all of my previous vehicles combined. This includes my ‘96 Civic, which everyone seems to hate, and ‘92 Integra, whose looks wrote checks its oopmh could never cash. I find it amusing because my car is slower than dirt, but it seems to get a lot of attention.

So that’s two more fellas to add to the long list of vehicles that have blown my doors off.