Sabine Schmitz - Health update

Just learned that Sabine has been battling cancer....she was listed as an entry for a Nurburgring series race, but did not drive.

Wishing her the best.

Illustration for article titled Sabine Schmitz - Health update
Image: Porsche

From her FB Page:

Since the end of 2017, I have been fighting an extremely persistent cancer that has not been able to finish with the resources so far. It got a little better - but now he’s come back with full force. Now I have to draw all the strength and registers to master the next therapies powerfully... hoping something will happen. So I say goodbye ′′ probably ′′ 😜 first for this season. In addition, I would like to thank everyone for their help and support in my everyday life and encouragement in written form! So sweethearts, now you have an update. Please stay healthy and cheerful, see you at the ring 👋😘